The competitions section shows all the competitions worldwide, available in our database. Competitions can be sorted by national or international, countries or internal competition.
International competitions#
International competitions can be filtered by continent or just display all the competitions worldwide.
Click on the tab International to search for competitions. On the dropdown menu, select the continent you want to filter:
Below the selected Continent are now listed all the competitions. Select the competition you want to view and the groups/teams will then be displayed on the right side of the screen:
You can also filter the results by year. Click on the year dropdown menu and select the year you intend to consult:
Competitions can also be filtered by country. Click on the tab Countries and then, on the dropdown menu, select the continent and then the country you want to filter:
Below the selected continent and country are now listed all the competitions. Select the competition you want to view and the groups/teams will then be displayed on the right side of the screen.
You can also filter the results by year. Click on the year dropdown menu and select the year you intend to consult
Internal Competitions#
Local matches or academy competitions might not be available in our database, although they can be added manually to your Scouting System.
Click on the Internal tab and you will find the the following options
On the dropdown below the Internal tab, you will be able to sort the competitions by country.
The “All Teams” option will be displayed and all the teams added manually to the Scouting System, and associated with your internal competitions.
Adding new teams to Scouting System#
To add a new team to you Scouting System, click in the button All Teams and then click on the button
The following window will open:
Fill in the name of the Team and the Official name, then select the correct country.
Click on Confirm to save the team.
Now that you have the new team created, click on it to access team properties.
You will get the following screen:
On the Details tab you will find all the information related to the team. When it is a new team, the information is missing so it should be added to the system, as the team does not exist in our database and there’s no way to synchronize it.
Click in the button to edit the team’s information.
Once all the information is inserted, click in the button to save.
If you find an internal team duplicated in your Scouting System, you can use the option merge to combine both.
Click in the button to merge the team’s entries.
The screen bellow will appear:
Click add and then search for the team you want to combine, in the pop-up window that will open.
The Scouting System will automatically compare both information.
If the green dots are shown on the left and right side team, this means the information is the same.
If the green dot is shown just on one side, this means that you should select which information should be kept or discarded.
Click in save to finish the merge process.
To delete your internal team from your Scouting System, click in the button
Also on the team's details, you can add contact information.
Below the general team's information, you will find the contacts section:
Click in the button to add a new contact. The pop-up window below will appear:
Select the Department and Category if applied.
Fill in the name, email address and phone number. If needed, you can also add a note to the contact although this field is not mandatory.
Click save to add the contact to the team’s details.
A contact can also be edited/updated or deleted at any time.
Click to update the contact’s information, and to delete the contact.
On the tab Squad you will find the team’s roster.
You will need to firstly add players to the team. Click on the button to select a new player.
The following pop-up window will appear:
Note: this option will only list players imported to your Scouting System, therefore no player from the database will be listed.
You can also add a player manually by clicking in the button new player.
For more information regarding manual player's insertion, please check Import New Players
In the Matches tab you can check all the fixtures and matches scheduled for the team.
You can also add new fixtures and/or matches by clicking in the button .
The following pop-up window will appear:
Fill in all the information. All the fields are mandatory excluding the result.
Click Next to save the information.
Adding a new competition to Scouting System#
To add a new competition to Scouting System, click on the button on the left side menu.
The pop-up window will appear:
Fill in the name and then select the country. Click Confirm to save the new competition.
Click on the competition you just created and you will get the following window:
After creating your competition, you should then add teams to it. Click and the following window will appear:
You can now select more than one team to add to the competition. Click OK to proceed.
If the competition is already happening, you might need to update the team’s classification.
Click in the button to edit the team's classification.
Click Confirm to save the information.
Below the Tables section, you will find the Matches section. Here you can also add matches and fixtures.
NOTE: in order to add teams to your internal competitions, you need to firstly add your internal teams. Check Adding new teams to Scouting System for more information.