Check Players Profile

Select a player to check its information. All the information is sorted as Profile, Notes, Career, Injury, Files, Media Links and Social & Psych.


Displays the personal information regarding the player, its position, team, agents, latest reports created in the system, grades and performances scores.

You can opt to update the player information by clicking in the Update External button.

This option allows the Scouting System to update the information according to our database, updating information such as agents, team or other information from the player's career.

Sometimes, a player can appear to be duplicated in the Scouting System software.
Click in the button to merge players' entries. The screen bellow will appear:

Click add player and then search for the duplicated player.
The Scouting System will automatically compare both information.

If the green dots are shown on the left and right side player, this means the information is the same.
If the green dot is shown just on one side, this means that you should select which information will be kept or discarded.

Click in save to finish the merge process.


Displays all the notes created by the academy' scouts. Notes can be edited by clicking on them.
Notes can be marked as unread so you can quickly see that it is not solved yet.

Just click in the button to mark it as unread.

To mark as read, open the note by clicking on it.

Notes can also be deleted by clicking in the button

New notes can be registered by clicking on the button


The career history might be outdated due to a recent transfer, injury or similar. In order to update it, please go to the profile tab and click in the Update External button

Check 8.6.1 Profile for more information.


Displays the history of all the player's injuries. Injuries entries can be consulted by clicking in the button
The window bellow will appear:

You can add more information on the Description field, extend the End Date or reduce/increase the missed matches.
Click Confirm to save the information, and Cancel to ignore the changes.

Injuries entries can also be deleted by clicking in the button

New injuries can be registered by clicking on the button


Allows you to add files to the player's profile, such as reports, medical conditions, pictures or other documents. The file formats supported are PNG, JPG, PDF or XLS and they should be saved in your computer/tablet in order to be uploaded to your Scouting System.

Click in the button +add new file to upload a new file. The operating system navigation windows will open.

Search for the file you want to upload, select it and click Open.

The file is now uploaded to the Scouting System server and can be downloaded at any time. Click the file you want to consult and the download will start automatically.

To delete a file, click on the button

NOTE: there are size and format limitations to the uploaded files, as there are limited storage options in your Scouting System. If you are having trouble uploading certain file formats or large files, please contact the Scouting System Customer Service, at

The media links tab works as a portfolio of all online articles published by media.
Media links are not added automatically but can easily be added by the user

Click in the button and the window bellow will open:

On the Media Source field add the name of the media (online newspaper, blog, platform, website) that published the article.
On the article title write the article title shown in the media page.
On the date field, select the date when the article was published.
On the media URL insert the article's link.

Click confirm to save the information.

Your article is now saved on the player's profile:

You can edit the input at any time by clicking on the button

To delete the entry, click on the button

You can also open directly the link for the article by clicking on the URL.

Social & Psych#

The Social & Psych tab allows to create information about the player's personal life.
Links to personal and social media profiles can also be added too.

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Please check other articles or open a support ticket.