Shortlists – Shadow teams – Best 11 


With Scouting System Pro you can create shortlists / shadow teams / best 11.
To list your shortlists go to the main menu on the left of your screen and then press the

Here you can access your shortlists or create a new shortlist.

Create shortlists#

To create a new shortlist, press on the top right corner of your screen
A new screen will appear.

Type the shortlist name, select season, select formation and address it to a folder or create a new folder, with the option “add”, and press confirm

A new Shortlist will appear on the screen.

Note: In order to create your shortlists, please go to settings and confirm you have already created the two mandatory fields:

  • Seasons
  • Formations

These two items will be needed in order to create your shortlists.

To create this two mandatory fields, go to and press seasons and formations on the left of your screen.



Edit your shortlists#

Select the shortlist you want to edit, using the option

A new screen will appear.

Choose the item you want to edit and press confirm

View your shortlists#

Press the shortlist name you want to view:

Press January shortlist

And a new screen will appear, list view.

You have two visualization options:

  • List View
  • Pitch View

To select the Pitch View, press and a new screen will appear, with the players displayed on the pitch.

You can scroll down the pitch view

Export shortlists to PDF#

To export your shortlist, press and automatically your download will start.
You can print or open the file.

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